What did carrots, eggs and coffee beans

Richard Branson

What did carrots, eggs and coffee beans teach us in life? If you encounter challenging and difficult situations, what will you choose to become? It all depends on you!

Difficulties and adversity are always things that we never expect them to happen. However, everyone’s life met it. And it is obvious that they will help you become stronger, ready to cope with any other challenge. Or they can beat you right from the first moment.

Cau chuyen ca rot, qua trung va hat ca phe
The story of carrots, eggs and coffee beans

There was a girl who often complained to her parents about the difficulties she had. She always felt unhappy. And the previous unfortunate thing is that a new difficulty comes. Business stories, love stories, family stories … always surround her. And she felt tired, frustrated with depression. She found her family, where she trusted and wanted help.

Her father is a famous chef in a luxury restaurant. Work is always busy and hard. After hearing the story of his daughter, he led her to the kitchen. A strange act. But the kitchen is where the father knows best. And almost the time he devoted to this place, except for family time.

Here, he put to cook 3 pots of water. And boil them. When the water boiled, he took a carrot, an egg into each pot and a spoon of coffee beans to make coffee. After that, he continued to boil them to boil without adding any explanation to his daughter.

Meanwhile, her daughter is very impatient and feels impatient. She did not understand what her father was doing. 15 minutes later, the father turned off the kitchen and scooped carrots, eggs and coffee beans into different bowls. And ask her daughter to try them. “Very soft!” The girl said after eating carrots. She peeled the eggs again and tried the freshly brewed coffee. The eggs are done and easy to peel. And the cup of coffee is very fragrant and delicious.

Cau chuyen ca rot, qua trung va hat ca phe

The girl asked her father, “What do these things mean?” The father immediately replied: “These three types of food and drink all face adversity. It is boiling water of 100 degrees C. But each has a different reaction.”

Unprocessed carrots will be very hard and solid. After being boiled, they still retain their appearance, but they actually become very soft.

The eggs before being boiled are fragile, only a shell that looks sturdy but is very thin to protect the interior. After experiencing boiling water, high temperature and long time, the inner egg became thick and firm. Now, even if the egg has broken its outer shell, the egg will remain intact.

Coffee beans make the surroundings change because of it. It causes boiling water to change color and taste coffee.

The father turned to ask his daughter: “What about you? How will you react? Will you become a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean?”

You will be like a carrot, the outside is strong and strong, but only with a few challenges has become weak and lost your energy. At that time, the situation will change people and we will suffer for it.


You will be like an egg. Going through difficulties, falling slowly growing up. You will gradually become stronger, steadfast and more stable.

Or you can choose to become coffee beans. Coffee cannot reveal the best taste without boiling water 100 degrees. And then you will change your own surroundings. You can always adapt and be strong with everything that happens in your life.

So what is the lesson here? When things seem to be the worst, it is then that you are growing up. How will you face this life? Carrots, eggs or coffee?

Each tree each flower, each house each situation. Life has an abundance of unexpected things, and each person chooses for himself or herself a way of responding. The very action today impacts your success and failure on your own path.

An example that many people mentioned when talking about the effort to overcome the adversity of the main person is Richard Branson. He is one of the 4 most influential billionaires in the world. To be as successful as today, he had to overcome many difficulties and challenges from a very young age.

Richard Branson
Richard Branson

About Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group – a corporation with more than 400 companies operating in many different fields. Both in the field of business and social development investment. He started his business at the age of 16 and on his way he encountered many challenges and different barriers. But resilient will and energy helped him continue to stand up and succeed

From an early age, he was diagnosed with congenital dyslexia. The acquisition of knowledge at his school is very slow and academic achievement is always inferior to friends. Inferior to this, he dropped out of school when he first entered high school. Long time studying at the school of life with many failures and humiliation, he practiced the leadership of Branson today. When there is a new idea, he does not hesitate to do it right away. In addition to his own efforts, undeniably the immense role of his mother, a woman helped him choose the right person to become.

The most powerful and hard-to-beat opponents of every human being are themselves. So winning yourself is the greatest victory. Blaming the situation only shows your weakness and inferiority. Be brave with yourself. Change the world like the coffee bean.

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