Currently TRENDS enjoy coffee of YOUTH

coffee for teen 1

Currently TRENDS enjoy coffee of YOUTH

The penetration of Western culture is increasingly evident in the youthful active life as now. Therefore, how to enjoy coffee of young people more or less have certain impacts.

Together with Duong Cafe, learn about the 3 trends of enjoying the current coffee of Vietnamese youth:

  1. Enjoy foreign coffee: Highland Coffee, Starbuck, Take away, …

Beverage chains in general and coffee in particular appear more and more dense on every street in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. It is the newness of how the space is arranged, as well as the novelty that has attracted a great deal of attention of young people, although the price of these cups of coffee is not cheap.

Khoi nghiep ca phe take a way
Start coffee take a way

HAN cafe 05

2.Coffee combined with reading, listening to music, … or simply cutting, checking in

Everyone has different interests. People who love reading books, people who like to listen to music, who like to joke talking . But there are also people who reflect on life, watching the roads, the cars passing by, … Coffee books, music coffee, … are opened. This is an ideal place for young people to sip a cup of coffee and satisfy their preferences. Or simply, go for coffee to check in virtual life with the romantic, attractive space of the restaurant.


3. Traditional coffee

Though it seems to be forgotten, somewhere, traditional coffee still looks strange to the point. A cup of black coffee brings quiet, deeper light. No noise, no flowery, but this is a habit of some young people today.

Whatever style of coffee you enjoy, whether classic or traditional. But we still want to enjoy the most delicious coffee and serve quickly. Duong cafe is always proud to bring the best quality products, serve customers quickly.

Customers or shops, agents, companies wishing to become distributors of Duong coffee please contact the following ways:

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address: 107C Minh Khai, Phường Minh Khai, Quận Hai Bà Trưng, TP.Hà Nội

Hotline: 0912 104 901

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