Contemplate about the future of Vietnamese coffee

Ca phe bot

Vietnam is a country with a long history of growing coffee. Coffee products of our country are highly appreciated. But that only stops at the export of coffee beans. Our coffee culture goes a lot further than other countries. Like Korea, Japan, Malaysia … countries where they have to import coffee for roasting and mixing.

Coffee powder, with a little condensed milk, can be black stone or brown stone has been a traditional drink of Vietnamese people for a long time. But the coffee market is growing. Interference and introduction of many external cultures make Vietnamese coffee difficult to catch in the right direction. So it is necessary to preserve the tradition of developing and making it richer. Create a new step for Vietnamese coffee culture, for those who have love and passion for coffee.

Coffee has countless flavors

Ca phe cot dua

Coffee has a multitude of flavors and you deserve to have the opportunity to experience them. Ice milk or brown coffee is the favorite taste of many people. Not only that, many foreigners also love this rich but rich coffee. But, for a drink that is becoming the second most popular in the world, you should understand more deeply.

Recognize and evaluate coffee fairly.

Each person has a different coffee taste so the way to enjoy coffee is completely different. Moreover, the products on the market have gone through the process of mixing different types of coffee in a certain proportion. For each of these recipes, the taste of coffee you taste will be different even though their names are the same. So, fair assessment is when you conduct concoctions according to a common formula. The beans have the same roasting level, the amount of coffee powder, the amount of water and the waiting time are the same. Then the coffee flavor you get will make you totally surprised.

Bat con lua de dun

Coffee has a multitude of flavors and you deserve to have the opportunity to experience them. Ice milk or brown coffee is the favorite taste of many people. Not only that, many foreigners also love this rich but rich coffee. But, for a drink that is becoming the second most popular in the world, you should understand more deeply.

Recognize and evaluate coffee fairly.

Each person has a different coffee taste so the way to enjoy coffee is completely different. Moreover, the products on the market have gone through the process of mixing different types of coffee in a certain proportion. For each of these recipes, the taste of coffee you taste will be different even though their names are the same. So, fair assessment is when you conduct concoctions according to a common formula. The beans have the same roasting level, the amount of coffee powder, the amount of water and the waiting time are the same. Then the coffee flavor you get will make you totally surprised.

Vietnamese coffee on the new road

In recent years, Vietnamese coffee has gradually become an industry. With more thorough investment, Vietnamese coffee is carrying on its desire to reach higher levels in the international arena. And one day, we will have the same quality control system of the original coffee countries such as Mexico, Jamaica, Columbia .. Knowledge, thinking, concern about Vietnamese coffee will also increasingly improved.

Everyone has the right to enjoy “better” coffee

Coffee is the second most popular drink in the world after drinking water. This product is also commercialized and cared for every day.

As a food, dish or other drink, coffee affects your health. That makes you more and more interested. The desire to find a better quality product is always what we – consumers and consumers think of. You can just spend from 20k-30k VND for a cup of pavement brown stone. But it is also possible to spend VND 70k-80k on them just because you have them at a luxury restaurant. The important thing is, what are you prioritizing!

Vietnamese coffee

Moka cau dat

Not just Arabica and Robusta or other nuts. Nor is it just black coffee or milk coffee. Not only is sidewalk coffee and Starbuck … Each type of coffee you buy, every cup of coffee you drink has interesting stories. About the process of planting, harvesting, processing, mixing, mixing and branding you choose. Every day passes, people on coffee plantations still work hard, improve the quality of coffee beans to market the best products. Many efforts of many people want that Vietnamese coffee will grow. And that deserves your attention.

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Adress: 107C Minh Khai, Phường Minh Khai, Quận Hai Bà Trưng, TP.Hà Nội
Hotline: 0912 104 901
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Công Ty TNHH Dương Cafe

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