
Chocolate Coffee – A meaningful gift for lovers on That Tich Day

Ca pheFlat White, Uc

That Tich Day according to Eastern culture is a Valentine’s Day held on July 7 Lunar Calendar. Westerners also call this Asian Valentine’s Day. This is a popular Valentine’s Day in East Asia and Southeast Asia. Especially China, Korea, Japan and Vietnam.

From the legend of Nguu Lang – The Female …

History of this day is attached to the story of Nguu Lang – Chuc Nu. This is a legend originating in China. They had to go through months of separation to have a chance to reunite a single day of the year.

… To That Tich Day, especially for distant lovers.

Nguu Lang – Chuc Nu is just a fairy tale that is handed down. However, it always makes us understand that this is a distant but eternal love. Therefore, it is said that That Statistic is also a holiday for far away couples. People who love each other but cannot be together for many reasons. So, today they often give each other meaningful gifts. To warm up and nurture their love is more durable.

Chocolate Coffee – A meaningful gift for love that is more durable

Usually on the Valentine, the girls will make something to give to their lover. However, if you are not very skillful or do not know what to give, it is okay. Because it is important that sincere feelings for that person.

On the occasion of Valentine, Duong Cafe sent to lovers of Chocolate Coffee products. This is an innovative instant coffee product of Duong Cafe. With the idea of ​​creating coffees that meet customer preferences. Chocolate coffee has a characteristic aroma of chocolate mixed with the traditional aroma of coffee.


If Valentine, chocolate with roses is a special gift of this day. Then ask why, you haven’t changed a bit on the Citizenship Ceremony. A cup of chocolate coffee has a blend of chocolate and coffee. Sit together, sip a cup of warm coffee. In a place where there is no light together, look up at the night sky to watch the star-wanderer – The Maiden. This gift is more meaningful and romantic than giving each other chocolate, fresh flowers or jewelry on Valentine’s Day.

In this Stateless ceremony, let Duong Cafe help couples to erase the distance, warm up the love of couples.

Duong Cafe is proud to be the company providing products of Coffee Powder, Instant Coffee, White Coffee with high quality and rich flavors, meeting the needs of customers.


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Adress: 107C Minh Khai, Phường Minh Khai, Quận Hai Bà Trưng, TP.Hà Nội
Hotline: 0912 104 901
Email: duongtamthanh@gmail.com   –  info@cafe.dzu.io.vn

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