7 simple ways to distinguish pure coffee and delicious coffee

Pure coffee, delicious coffee has sour, light bitter taste, sweet aftertaste, melting in the mouth, drinking tea or dessert water is over.

  1. Pure Coffee Powder

Always have a lower density than other cereal powders.

  1. Moisture content of coffee powder:

Coffee powder is very dry and porous without clumping.

  1. Color of coffee powder:

When roasting to the right temperature, coffee powder is dark brown.

  1. The smell of coffee powder:

The fragrance is gentle, gentle, natural without the harsh smell of roasted coffee

    1. Color of coffee water:

    There is always brown color from cockroach to dark brown, when put in the stone will be amber brown, a very clear brown color.

    1. Coffee taste:

    Coffee has a sour taste, seductive taste that blends nicely with the natural bitter taste

    1. Coffee foam:

    The pure coffee foam is quite uniform in size, more opaque and looks “thicker” but quickly dissolves. With the perfect formula and equipment line, modern technology has made a difference for a product full of passionate identity. Attractive aroma of Arabica, bitter bitterness of Cherry’s Robusta, sour, very high caffeine content of premium Culi coffee beans. All of them create an endless passion for coffee “gourmet” guests. ESSENCE OF VIETNAMESE COFFEE – STARTING THE PASSION Welcome to try, enjoy and feel our special Coffee. Daily time 8:30 to 22:30 am from Monday to Sunday. You have a need we will deliver to you. Duongcafe Co., Ltd. Address: 107C Minh Khai Street, Minh Khai Ward, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi City. MSDN: 0105441192 Hotline: 0912.104.901 – 09.3322.7786 Website: duongcafe.com Email: duongtamthanh@gmail.com


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