Set of 2 products: Instant coffee- Bac Xiu (white coffee)

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Set of 2 products: Instant coffee- Bac Xiu (white coffee)

For those who regularly drink coffee, each has their own style of enjoyment.

Bo doi bac xiu, ca phe hoa tan

With Duong Cafe to meet the different needs of enjoying, Duong cafe has lost a long process to test and develop a separate coffee line, really outstanding like the big ones: Trung Nguyen, Vinacafe.

Difference with street coffee style, Duong Cafe 3 in 1 instant coffee brings the typical style of Coffee in the world style: Modern style, which contains simple things and soldiers but no less delicate part.

Instant 3 in 1 Coffee:

As a combination of Arabica and Robusta coffee lines, 2 lines of coffee are roasted 100% process by machines, using modern control panel with computer to measure absolute absolute temperature.

Ca phe hoa tan

The selection of input materials is also very strict, the coffee beans are sufficient in volume, not subject to deep problems, seeds reach maturity when harvested, with the seeds after preliminary processing is usually preserved properly procedure.


Bac Xiu (white coffee)

Raw materials for creating slurry coffee lines are many different types of coffee, but the main ingredient making the silvery line is Arabica Coffee.

Arabica is roasted in a special temperature, different from roasting with other coffee.

Bac xiu (White coffee) hoa tan

Bac Xiu surely everyone knows, Bac Xiu is a lot of coffee milk, but not bored because of many milk, fat and gentle taste, caffeine content can help everyone enjoy, even if it is a person Never drank coffee.

Each person’s perception of different coffee types, each coffee product is born with its own mission. Duong Cafe always gives customers the long-term benefits, more than profits, convenience, nutrition, quality, and price are always prioritized by Duong Cafe on instant coffee products.

Duong Cafe products

White coffee – Bac Xiu (180g)

Instant coffee (20 Packs)

QUEEN (250g)

ESSENSAL Package 250g


Moka (250g)

ARABICA (250g)

Robusta (250g)







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